Bernie’s June 2011 Newsletter
Things to consider, things to do 😉
June 11th, Ducati Demo Days at Vancouver BMW DUCATI. for info, sign up, etc. Don’t drop my Monster!!
June 13th, Track Day at Mission Raceway with my friends at West Coast Superbike School. You can find all the details at There are slow, medium and fast groups, and it’s easy to get some help with your riding from one of the many racers that are there. Drop by and check it out, but you’ll want to sign up and go play as soon as you get there!
June 18th, PRS Advanced Riding School at Tradex. The classroom is on June 16th (call Vanessa @ PRS if you’re interested), and the really fun part is that Sunday. If you just want to see what it’s all about, drop by Tradex!
June 18th, 2011, Dyno Day at Daytona Motorsports in Surrey. And if I know my pal Rob Goth, there’ll be all kinds of goodies as well as the dyno runs and such.
June 20th, Race Day at Mission Raceway. I know, it’s a Monday, but a lot of you have days off, so if you do, check out the racing with the Westwood Motorcycle Racing Club. And of course, if you want the best seat in the house, show up in the morning and see if they need any corner workers. Best seat in the house, free lunch 😉
June 23rd, 2nd Annual Laughing In The Face Of Cancer. A friend is hosting this event, and I am trying to make it down. You might want to drop by as well. More info can be found on Facebook of course!!/event.php?eid=134148819996035
Start that weekend off with a big grin 😉
Are riding a bit faster as summer finally arrives, but on older/harder/crappy tires?
Have you planned a trip somewhere new this year, a relaxed ride all about scenery, a good restaurant, no tickets or crashes, just big smiles for miles?
Look through your visor from one side to the other. Do you see a ton of scratches?
I hope everyone is having fun! I am off this weekend on my dirt bike, over the hills and far away for 4 days, can’t wait. About 10% highway, 30% forest service roads, 100% good times !